Useful Numbers

Frank Crowley Courts Building - 133 N. Riverfront Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Room A-1, Dallas, TX 75207
Phone: (214) 653-7099
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday (except for court approved holidays)

Below is a list of numbers to assist with any inquiries you may have.

County Clerk Information Line(214) 653-7099
District Court for Felony Matters(214) 653-5369
George Allen Court Building for issues related to the Civil Matters(214) 653-7301 / (214) 659-6839
Justice of the Peace for Citations or Tiickets(214) 943-5981
Lew Sterrett Jail(214) 761-9025
Marriage License(214) 653-7099
Marshal Office(214) 670-3041
Misdemeanor Probation(214) 653-5370
Misdemeanor Records(214) 653-5767
Municipal Court for Citations or Tickets(214) 670-0109
Pretrial Services(214) 875-2302
Protective Orders(214) 653-5897
Public Defender’s Office(214) 653-3550