Commissioner John Wiley Price, District 3

Administrative Office - 500 Elm Street, Suite 7300, Dallas, TX 75202  |  214-653-6671
District Office - 1506 Langdon Road, Dallas, Texas 75241  |  972-225-2378

District 3 Townhall Meeting - "Progress Made in District 3"
Monday, October 14, 2024 | 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

South Dallas Government Center
8301 S. Polk Street, 2nd Floor Lobby
Dallas, Texas 75232
Click here for directions.

Click here for links to view the meeting online.



District No. 3 Community Engagement - We Want To Hear From You!!

On Wednesday, August 4, Dallas County will launched a new community engagement portal to solicit input on the county’s plans for utilizing federal American Rescue Plan relief funding.

As part of the American Rescue Plan Act, the county received direct funding through the Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Program. The resources can be used to help address the pandemic, including supporting response efforts, strengthening public services, addressing public health and economic challenges, and supporting economic stabilization for households and businesses.

Dallas County representatives want to hear directly from those who’ve been impacted by the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Hearing from those on the frontlines or that have felt the negative effects of the public health emergency first-hand can help county officials understand how to better serve those struggling from the coronavirus crisis and/or its secondary effects and how to build community capacity for the future.

We know how valuable the business, nonprofit, association, and community members are to the recovery process. Ideas, questions, and concerns are all welcome! This engagement will help the county contribute relief assistance in a way that will help meet the goal of improving health, financial, and economic outcomes throughout the region.

The county strongly encourages any organizations or individuals interested in contributing their ideas or thoughts and participating in the planning process to submit comments. We hope the electronic format will be a convenient way for the community to contribute their recommendations. The online portal to submit comments can be accessed here. It will remain open until the end of 2021. If you are not able to access the portal for any reason or have any questions, please send an email to or call (214) 875-2187.

This engagement portal will complement the County’s other efforts to pursue stakeholder participation in the planning process. Commissioner John Wiley Price will also hold a town hall on August 19th at 6pm to solicit feedback from constituents. Dallas County officials and staff value community input and look forward to partnering with residents and community organizations to provide equitable relief and support a strong county recovery.

Click below to join in on Commissioner Price’s Town Hall Meeting:

Town Hall Meeting


John Wiley Price

"Dallas County Commissioner District Three is without question, the most dynamic and diverse quadrant of our county and is well situated for economic growth and development. Although we have worked tirelessly over the years to build partnerships and relationships, we will not cease in our efforts until we manifest all of the Southeast and Dallas County potential. I want to welcome you to District Three and I look forward to your input and commitment toward raising the quality of life for this district and for Dallas County."

John Wiley Price