Bidding Opportunities

Bidding Opportunities

Records Building – 500 Elm Street, Suite 5500, Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: (214) 653-7431 • Fax: (214) 653-7449

Business Opportunities Solicitations

On December 19, 2024, Dallas County implemented a new public solicitation platform and will be posting all solicitations for goods, services, and construction through BidNet. Vendors seeking to do business with Dallas County will be required to register, By registering, vendors will be able to receive solicitation notices, view open solicitations, and submit their response online to desired business opportunities.

BidSync Icon Descriptions
quick_quote.pngQuick Quote
Sealed Bid
A sealed bid is a bid where all offers placed on the bid are kept hidden until the bid has been awarded. Once the bid has been awarded offer amounts and supplier names will be visible to everyone.
An addendum has been created on the bid. An addendum may result from a change of dates, documents and/or other bid information.
A change has been made on the bid. To review the changes for this bid, please refer to the Changes section, located at the bottom of the Bid Information page.
fee-waived.png or no_fee.png
Fee Waived
This icon indicates that this bid has been sponsored by the issuing agency.