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News & Announcements
Downtown Administration
Records Building – 500 Elm Street, Suite 3300, Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: (214) 653-7811 • Fax: (214) 653-7888
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Avoid Penalties! Pay Your Taxes by January 31, 2025
Property tax payments are due by January 31, 2025.
“All seven of the Dallas County Tax Office locations are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to assist taxpayers with their property tax payments, but we encourage taxpayers to pay online whenever possible to avoid the crowds,” stated John R. Ames, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector.
Pay online, don’t stand in line!
Dallas County citizens can pay online with an eCheck, for no additional fees, at They can also continue using their MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express credit and debit cards at the same site or pay property taxes over the phone by calling 1 (800) 831-3147. All credit and debit card transactions are subject to processor convenience fees. As always, you can mail your taxes in the envelope provided or pay at one of the seven Dallas County Tax Office Branches.
The Dallas County Tax Office’s Customer Care Center is available to assist taxpayers with questions regarding property taxes, motor vehicle registrations and title concerns Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., at 214-653-7811.
Mr. Ames continued, “Please visit us at for additional information. The Dallas County Tax Office encourages citizens who cannot afford to pay in full to make partial payments. Partial payments will be applied and only the remaining balance will be subject to penalties rather than the full original amount due.” Mr. Ames concluded, “Please be safe and conduct your transaction online if possible. We look forward to serving the needs of the citizens of Dallas County.”
Mesquite Tax Office Branch Relocates
On October 18, 2024, the Dallas County Tax Office will close its current Mesquite Branch located at 210 W. Grubb Dr. Beginning Monday, October 21, 2024, residents needing to visit the Tax Office in-person may go to the New Mesquite Government Center located at 500 S. Galloway Ave., Mesquite, TX, 75149.
The New Mesquite Government Center will have more parking, a larger lobby, and an automated queuing system to assist our residents quickly and efficiently.
Please visit the Tax office website at for:
- Tax Office Locations across Dallas County
- Neighborhood Locations for current vehicle registration renewals
- Paying Property Taxes Online
- Printing a property tax statement
- Renewing Motor Vehicle Registration Online
- Obtaining additional information regarding Tax Office Services
“As always, we know change is hard, but we are excited about the New location that will provide the same awesome service our residents have come to expect at the Dallas County Mesquite Tax Office Branch. We also appreciate that this facility provides for a safer, modern, and more secure environment for our employees and our customers as they conduct business with Dallas County.” Stated Tax Assessor John R. Ames.
2024 Property Taxes Due
Statements Mailed! The Dallas County 2024 property tax statements are in the mail! “We are delighted to provide timely tax statements to the citizens of Dallas County for the fifteenth year in a row. The citizens of Dallas County deserve that kind of service. This allows taxpayers the maximum amount of time to plan and make their payments on time,” stated John R. Ames, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector.
Pay online, don’t stand in line! The Dallas County Tax Office is pleased to continue offering county residents several easy-to-use payment channels to make their property tax payments. Property owners can pay online with an eCheck, for no additional fees, at They can also continue using their MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards at the same site or pay property taxes by phone at 1-800-831-3147. All credit and debit card transactions are subject to card processor convenience fees.
Informational Postcard! As a reminder, if your property has a mortgage with an escrow account, the requesting mortgage company was provided with the amount due on your account and an informational postcard was mailed to you in lieu of a duplicate tax statement. You can obtain additional tax statements at Mr. Ames concluded, “Please be safe and conduct your transaction online if possible. We look forward to serving the needs of the citizens of Dallas County.”
The City of Mesquite and Mesquite ISD has partnered with Dallas County for the collection of taxes!
The City of Mesquite and Mesquite ISD has partnered with Dallas County for the collection of taxes!
Dallas County would like to welcome the taxpayers of the City of Mesquite and Mesquite ISD to the Dallas County Tax Office. Both entities have partnered with Dallas County for the collocation of their taxes. Your City of Mesquite and Mesquite ISD taxes are now included in your statements.
For more information on payment options, please visit the Dallas County Tax Office website at or contact the Dallas County Tax Office Customer Care Center at (214) 653-7811.
Did you receive an Appraisal Notice?
Please contact your local Appraisal District for information regarding your property valuation.
Property Tax 101 Town Hall Meeting - DeSoto
Avoid Penalties! Pay Your Taxes by January 31, 2024
Property tax payments are due by January 31, 2024.
“All seven of the Dallas County Tax Office locations are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to assist taxpayers with their property tax payments, but we encourage taxpayers to pay online whenever possible to avoid the crowds,” stated John R. Ames, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector.
Pay online, don’t stand in line!
Dallas County citizens can pay online with an eCheck, for no additional fees, at They can also continue using their MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express credit and debit cards at the same site or pay property taxes by phone through Velocity at 1 (800) 831-3147. As always, you can mail your taxes in the envelope provided or pay at one of the seven Dallas County Tax Office Branches.
The Dallas County Tax Office’s Customer Care Center is available to assist taxpayers with questions regarding property taxes, motor vehicle registrations and title concerns Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., at 214-653-7811.
Mr. Ames continued, “Please visit us at for additional information. The Dallas County Tax Office encourages citizens who cannot afford to pay in full to make partial payments. Partial payments will be applied and only the remaining balance will be subject to penalties rather than the full original amount due.” Mr. Ames concluded, “Please be safe and conduct your transaction online if possible. We look forward to serving the needs of the citizens of Dallas County.”
2023 Property Taxes Due
Statements Mailed! The Dallas County 2023 property tax statements are in the mail! “We are delighted to provide timely tax statements to the citizens of Dallas County for the fifteenth year in a row. The citizens of Dallas County deserve that kind of service. This allows taxpayers the maximum amount of time to plan and make their payments on time,” stated John R. Ames, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector.
Pay online, don’t stand in line! The Dallas County Tax Office is pleased to continue offering county residents several easy-to-use payment channels to make their property tax payments. Property owners can pay online with an eCheck, for no additional fees, at They can also continue using their MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards at the same site or pay property taxes by phone through JP Morgan Chase Bank at 1-877-253-0150. All credit and debit card transactions are subject to Chase Bank convenience fees. As always, you can mail your taxes in the envelope provided.
Informational Postcard! As a reminder, if your property has a mortgage with an escrow account, the requesting mortgage company was provided with the amount due on your account and an informational postcard was mailed to you in lieu of a duplicate tax statement. You can obtain additional tax statements at Mr. Ames concluded, “Please be safe and conduct your transaction online if possible. We look forward to serving the needs of the citizens of Dallas County.”
Did you receive an Appraisal Notice?
Please contact your local Appraisal District for information regarding your property valuation.
2022 Property Taxes Due
Statements Mailed! The Dallas County 2022 property tax statements are in the mail! “We are delighted to provide timely tax statements to the citizens of Dallas County for the fourteenth year in a row. The citizens of Dallas County deserve that kind of service. This allows taxpayers the maximum amount of time to plan and make their payments on time,” stated John R. Ames, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector.
Pay online, don’t stand in line! The Dallas County Tax Office is pleased to continue offering citizens several easy-to-use payment channels to make their property tax payments. Citizens can pay online with an eCheck, for no additional fees, at They can also continue using their MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards at the same site or pay property taxes by phone through JP Morgan Chase Bank at 1-877-253-0150. All credit and debit card transactions are subject to Chase Bank convenience fees. As always, you can mail your taxes in the envelope provided.
Informational Postcard! As a reminder, if your property has a mortgage with an escrow account, the requesting mortgage company was provided with the amount due on your account and an informational postcard was mailed to you in lieu of a duplicate tax statement. You can obtain additional tax statements at Mr. Ames concluded, “Please be safe and conduct your transaction online if possible. We look forward to serving the needs of the citizens of Dallas County.”
Have You Paid Your Property Taxes?
Avoid Additional Penalties, Pay your Property Taxes by the End of the Month.
PAY IN PERSON: At any of our Seven Tax Office Locations, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
PAY BY MAIL: At P.O. Box 139066, Dallas, TX 75313
PAY BY PHONE: 1-877-253-0150
Do you want to receive your 2022 Tax Statement electronically by October 2022?
Go Green by enrolling in our Property Tax eStatement Program.
The deadline for registering for electronic tax statements is September 15 of each tax year. Please complete the registration submission on or before that date. If you have registered in previous years and your e-mail address is the same, you do not need to register again.
- Go to
- Select the “Pay a Property Tax Bill".
- Search for your property by name, address, account number or fiduciary number.
- Click on “eStatement Enrollment"
Upon enrollment, your current property tax statement will be sent to the email address provided until you cancel the eStatement or you no longer own the property.
Did you receive an Appraisal Notice?
Please contact your local Appraisal District for information regarding your property valuation.
TXDMV provides guidance on the updated policy for 30-Day Permit issuance!
Click on the image to read the updated policy. The links to the new requirements and form can be found within the updated policy document or below:
Valwood Improvement Authority has partnered with Dallas County for the collection of taxes!
Dallas County would like to welcome the taxpayers of Valwood Improvement Authority to the Dallas County Tax Office. Valwood has partnered with Dallas County for the collection of taxes. Your Valwood Improvement Authority taxes will be included in statements you receive from the Dallas County Tax Office.
For information on payment options, please visit the Dallas County Tax Office website at or contact the Dallas County Tax Office Customer Care Center at 214.653.7811.
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