Current Members

2121 Panoramic Circle, Suite 240, Dallas, TX 75212
Telephone: (214) 653-7980 • Fax: (214) 653-7988

The Local Emergency Management Committee:

Information Coordinator:
2121 Panoramic Circle
Suite 240 Dallas, TX 75212
Phone (214) 653-7980
Fax (214) 653-7988
Mailing Address:
Local Emergency Planning Committee
ATTN: Dallas County Office of Emergency Management
and Homeland Security 
2121 Panoramic Circle
Suite 240
Dallas, TX 75212
Committee PositionNameContact InformationTitleAgency
LEPC ChairmanDenisse MartinezDenisse.Martinez@dallascounty.orgHazardous Material and Technology Manager Dallas County HSEM
Vice-ChairmanJoshua TincopaJoshua.Tincopa@dallas.govSenior Emergency Management Specialist City of Dallas OEM
Secretary-TreasurerLaura Rojas SifuentesLaura.Sifuentes@dallas.govEmergency Management SpecialistCity of Dallas OEM

Membership Categories:

The committee shall consist of members nominated by the Dallas County Judge and appointed by the SERC. Members shall be residents of or conduct business in Dallas County.

Membership in LEPC should consist of representatives of the following groups and organizations:

  • Elected State and Local Officials
  • Law Enforcement
  • Emergency Management
  • Fire and Rescue
  • Health Units
  • Hospitals/Medical Centers
  • Environmental
  • Transportation
  • Broadcast and Print Media
  • Community Representatives
  • Representatives of facilities subject to EPCRA


Membership shall include at least one representative from each of the groups or organizations mentioned above.

The Dallas County Security & Emergency Management Office, acting as the repository and headquarters for the LEPC, shall make necessary efforts to invite individuals from the various departments, agencies, units and facilities identified above to the LEPC meetings. LEPC members may also recommend potential new members to OSEM for invitation to the meetings.

Any individual interested in serving on the LEPC may place a request to be added to the LEPC roster to the LEPC Coordinator either written or oral. The LEPC Coordinator will annually submit a complete membership roster to the SERC for approval. The LEPC membership does not become official until approved by the SERC. New members to the LEPC will be confirmed by the LEPC upon their request to become voting members of the LEPC.

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